Building Project
The main goals of the building project are to build a fit for purpose lifeguarding facility, and to improve the storage available in the club for essential equipment.
The A-Frame has served us well over the past 40 years but would require extensive maintenance and renovation to meet all the current and future needs of our lifeguards. Due to this, the A-Frame will be replaced with a new lifeguard building. This new building will allow us to have a suitable and accessible first aid room, as well as providing improved lifeguarding facilities such as changing rooms and a patrol operations centre. The key focus of this building is to enhance our operational capacity and future proof surf life saving at Warrington Beach.
Beside the current A-Frame building sits a single bay storage garage, which will be replaced with a three bay garage to improve storage capacity. We are currently using a shipping container to store some of our equipment, which isn't an ideal environment. More storage will allow us to safeguard our critical gear, making sure that it is kept in good condition and is easily accessible when needed.
You can download the current draft plans here.